The banana is known for its rich and naturally sweetened flavour. It is a fruit that is rich in fibre and helps to treat constipation. The banana also relieves heartburn since it is an antacid. It is rich in vitamins and minerals. It helps with the regulation of blood pressure and its high levels of iron mean that it lowers the risk of anemia.
Banana chips are eaten as-is but they can also be added to desserts. For those who are adventurous they can be added to curries, masalas or colombos. The spices used in these dishes blend well with the flavours of the banana.
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1630, Place de Lierre
Laval, Qc,
Canada H7G 4X7
T. 450 669-7729
1630, Place de Lierre
Laval, Qc,
Canada H7G 4X7
T. 450 669-7729
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